“How I Caught My Groove at Park Vega Waterpark” – Esther Okoro

The weekend was filled with fun and excitement as guests thronged the ever-busy Park Vega Waterpark, the largest waterpark in West Africa, to cool off and re-energize in readiness for a productive week ahead. One of such guests was Esther Okoro, who visited the park for the very first time after getting so many positive reviews and testimonials from friends and relatives who had visited. According to Esther, “A friend told me about Park Vega Waterpark and I looked it up online. It was quite easy to locate." I came with a mindset, but I was blown away by what I saw. This is my first time at the park, but I can assure you that I am a regular now. " “The neatness of the changing room and bathroom sold the park to my heart." It was like they were cleaning every step I took; it was that clean. Another plus was that the environment was filled but not crowded. The service was prompt at the bar and in the restaurant. Personally, my best attraction was the blackhole. I was ca...