The Best Vacations are the Ones You Save, Plan For

Nigerians are well-known for being hardworking and for their unrivalled ability to throw some of the most exciting party events. When Nigerian talks about having fun, he usually refers to a party and where to turn it up. Nigerians are great event planners, but aside from partying, many don't budget for fun such as vacations. Many see vacations as a very expensive adventure limited to just a few people when they could throw a party with drinks and music. Others see it as a foreign getaway activity usually seen in movies. Vacations are one of the healthy ways to reduce stress and are very effective bonding activities. Studies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals. But vacations don't happen by accident, It takes months, a year, or two to plan for a vacation and many Nigerians are not used to t...